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Welcome to Tell Me the Story of Jesus

I remember that day just like it was yesterday.  I was 8 years old that Spring and days from turning 9.  I had grown up in a Christian home and heard the Gospel again and again, but as the earth awakened from the dead of winter around me that year, God began stirring in my heart.  Those things my parents and church family had so diligently taught me through my early years were beginning to take root in my heart as God opened my eyes to see and understand them for the first time.  I remember the nights falling asleep scared of dying without Jesus.  I remember conversations with my parents and how they comforted me by pointing me to the truths of Scripture.  I was under conviction.  I knew I was a sinner and that I was destined to die to spend eternity separated from God and felt my need for a Savior desperately. 

I can’t give you the exact moment in time that my life in Christ began, only that it did.  And on Easter Day of 1993, I nervously walked to my pastor and told him I had confessed my sin, given my life to Christ, and wanted to be baptized to profess my faith to the world.  It was a beautiful day and to this day, my eyes still well with tears to think of that milestone moment that altered the course of my life.  8 years old and God had captivated me for Himself to live a life devoted to knowing Him and making Him known to others.

The Lord has since led me on a winding path of education, experience, teaching, ministry, and parenting in pursuit of fulfilling His call and purpose for my life.  The culmination of those things has led me here. 

Here’s what I know.  I love children and have a deep desire to see them experience the joy of knowing Christ from their youth.  As parents, you have the most influence, opportunity, and responsibility to tell them of Jesus.  Our children’s hearts are literally crying out ‘tell me the story of Jesus.’  They are born longing for connection with their Creator and it’s your job to lead them to know Him.  And it’s my privilege to help you in the journey.

My heart for this blog and prayer over you is this:

  • …that you grow in your relationship with the Lord as you walk in obedience to lead your family.
  • …that you come to deeply understand the task the Lord has set before you with your child(ren).
  • …that you are encouraged in your journey of family discipleship through the community built here.
  • …that you are challenged to take small steps of obedience in leading your family to know and follow Jesus.
  • …that you open God’s Word regularly with your child(ren).
  • …that you feel confident in leading your family in discipleship.
  • …that you learn to LOVE telling your children the story of Jesus.
  • …and ultimately, that you have the joy of leading your child(ren) to faith in Christ.

Let’s journey together.  For their salvation.  For our holiness.  All for His glory.

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