– Frequently Asked Questions –
There is NO one-size fits all plan for family discipleship. Many times, we are tempted not to even start a task for fear of not doing it right. Don’t let that cripple you here. God honors faithful steps of obedience and will guide you as you go. Just START!
Download my FREE Family Discipleship Guide (BELOW) to work through some key questions and logistics to get you going. Have more questions? PLEASE email me at mail@tellmethestory.org and ask! I may not have every answer, but I would love to help you work toward a solution for your family.
This is one of the most often asked questions and my answer largely varies based on age level. The biggest guidance I have, however, is to start small. In the beginning, you are establishing a new family discipline of meeting together and opening God’s Word. You will likely find this to be a feat in and of itself. The routine of that time you gather initially needs to be simplistic (read, discuss, pray) and easy to implement. I would recommend starting with a good story Bible you can predictably work through day by day as you establish this habit. Here are three posts to guide you as you pick out the right one for your family.
For our family, the 30 minutes prior to bedtime have proven to be the best fit. Most all of our evenings are currently free from outside activity which allows us a very predictable time to meet together regularly. If you have older children with nightly school/sport activities, you may find early morning to be the best time for your family. The best time of day is the time everyone is already naturally together consistently. If that’s not in your schedule somewhere, it’s time to make some big changes. Strong families are not built with time apart. And strong faith will not exist without holding it in the highest priority in your home.
In short, do family discipleship together anyway.
Just as we take our children into worship on Sundays (a service largely designed for adults) trusting the Holy Spirit can speak to the hearts of our children, so also should we have the same confidence in His ability to work in their lives in our homes—even when teaching kids of various ages. Here are a few tips to make that an easier and more profitable time.
DO make sure there is at least one part specifically catered to the youngest, but teach to the oldest. This can be a question you have them answer, a picture they get to hold up, etc.
DO have a small, quiet activity young ones can engage in as the family reads and discusses the Bible. Sitting quietly is a learned skill—and one all children need practice with. Family Discipleship time is a wonderful opportunity to practice that skill daily!
DO expect age-appropriate engagement. A six-year-old should be able to sit, listen, and engage in conversation during Family Discipleship—a two-year-old’s involvement will look much different!
DO expect the Lord to work in your family. It’s beautiful to watch! You will grow to know His word more and more as you teach it to your children. Your children will grow to love the Lord and know His word deeply. And prayerfully, you will see them come to faith at a young age…making the most important decision of life before they even reach adulthood.
Be faithful to plant and water…and watch the Lord cause faith to grow—both in you and your children.
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth.” -1 Corinthians 3:6
I will go into each of these in greater detail at some point on my blog, but here is a short list of recommendations I would encourage you to begin with as you read and study the art of Family Discipleship.
- Faith of a Child – Art Murphy
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp
- Show Them Jesus – Jack Klumpenhower
- Gospel-Powered Parenting – William P. Farley
- Age of Opportunity – Paul David Tripp
It is coming soon! I am actively working on a web-based class for parents that will equip you to disciple your children in your home. It will work through key points of discipleship, faith disciplines, cultural worldviews that compete for your child’s heart and mind, leading your child to faith, and much more! Sign up for our newsletter (below) to be the first to hear when it is launched.
Are you ready to see the Lord work in your family?
Download the FREE Discipleship Guide below and begin the journey!
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