Blog Post 10 - SNOW


Teachable Moments in Creation Part 1

Night has come, snow is falling (again), and in a matter of hours my children will wake with wonder in their eyes and endless pleas to get outside.  They love the world that God has made.  And tomorrow, I will bundle them up and head outside because I love letting them explore and enjoy the many beautiful things God has created.  These things declare his glory and give me the opportunity to teach them of God. 

God's Glory Revealed in the Snow

If you’re in the middle of a snow storm like we are, take time today to enjoy the snow with your kiddos—big and small.  But after the fun is done, sit down and open the passages below and share with them what God’s Word says about the creation of snow.  Yes, it is for us to enjoy.  It can lead us to worship.  But there are also beautiful lessons of the Gospel reflected in this wonder of God that we should not miss.  I’ve included some brief talking points below and a worksheet packet for you to work through to make the most of this learning opportunity.  The first sheet is a good Bible skills activity they can complete on their own before sitting down with you (suitable for children who can read/write, otherwise you will need to work through this with them).  The following four pages are snowflakes they can decorate, hang, and read/memorize the Scriptures you’ve discussed.  (And you don’t have to be in a snow storm to have these conversations!)

Psalm 51

David is crying out to God for forgiveness in this chapter of Psalms, which was written after Nathan confronted him for his sin with Bathsheba and murder of her husband.  Psalm 51:7b says, ‘wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”  This acknowledges three things: he knows he has sinned, he knows he needs to be saved from his sin, and he believes God can save him.  He believes God, in his power and grace, will make him (his heart) whiter than snow (righteous).  This is through no merit of his own, but God’s gift of grace to him.  We are—including our children—in the same state David found himself in in this chapter.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 with your children.  What David believed in faith, we know has been fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus.  He died to give us his righteousness and take our unrighteousness.  When we repent and seek forgiveness for our sin, he takes our dirty, clean hearts away and gives us new, clean hearts instead. 

Isaiah 1.18-20

This verse is similar to the one above but it specifically uses the word ‘sins’ and gives the contrasting color of red.   Read the verses above.  Ask your children who is making this promise and who has the power to fulfill it.  Verse 19 gives the condition the Israelites had to obey—and we know they failed.  We are not able to save ourselves.  God sent Jesus to take our place (1 John 4:10) and freely offers salvation to all who will repent and believe (Acts 16:31; John 3:16).

Psalm 148.7-14

These particular verses in this Psalm speak of many of the things God has made.  Creatures of the earth, weather elements of the earth (including snow!), plants and trees, birds, and people were all created to praise the Lord.  As we see the snow fall, we see it proclaim the glory of God.  Lead your children to praise God—the Creator– for the beautiful gift of snow.    

Isaiah 55.6-11

This reference of snow shares that in addition to glorifying the Lord, it was also created for the purpose of nurturing the earth.  This is a divine and gracious way the Lord cares for us.  Ask your children what the earth would be like if it never rained or snowed.  Lead your children to praise God for the way he waters the earth and takes care of us.  The metaphor that follows will be harder for some children to understand, but they can understand the truth even if they can’t tie it together with verse 10.  Like the rain/snow that God graciously gives, he has also given us his divine written word that leads us to know him.  It is life-giving to us and beneficial in every way.  We are assured he is in control of the effect his word will have on our hearts and that it will not return void.  Lead your children to thank God for his word and pray that God opens their eyes to the truths found within it.

Read-Aloud Children’s Book:

Snowflake Bentley is a children’s book written about a man from Vermont who was fascinated by the snow.  He spent his life enjoying them and trying to capture them in photographs for the world—and he succeeded!  Listen to this book with your children and see some of the beautiful things he discovered about the design and nature of snowflakes.  A quick google search will show some of the snowflakes he was able to capture—and they are breathtaking!

Download Worksheet Packet:

God’s Glory Revealed in the Snow

Share your finished snowflake projects or memorized verses to our Facebook page or tag @Tell Me the Story of Jesus!  I am praying you have wonderful Gospel conversations with your children at home today!

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