Blog Post 2 - Parent Led DIscipleship

Discipleship in Your Home

What is discipleship?

Let’s talk discipleship.  It’s a big word thrown around in Christian circles—but what is it and what does it mean? 

Discipleship comes from the word disciple which refers to someone—a student/learner–who follows the teachings of another.  Jesus had 12 disciples during His ministry on earth.  These 12 men were with Jesus every day—they heard him teach, they shared meals with him, they asked him questions, they watched him heal the sick, they saw the miracles he performed, they walked with him as they traveled town to town, they saw how he handled conflict, they watched him grieve, they watched his compassion for people in need, they saw his righteous anger, they prayed with him, they saw his love and burden for all, and in the end, they watched him give his very life for their own—they did life together-in every way.  They knew him best—his character, his heart, and his mission.  And they left everything to follow and become like him.

This is discipleship.  It’s more than knowing of Jesus.  It’s relentlessly pursuing a knowledge of him to know, follow, and become like him in every way.  And as believers, it’s what we are called to do with our LIFE.  We are called to BE disciples and MAKE disciples.  Discipleship begins with personal salvation.  And as our knowledge of Jesus and love for him grows, we desire to obey him and follow his commands—one of his last being to make disciples.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

Parent-Led Discipleship 

For most of us, our greatest circle of influence is our family.  These are the natural relationships we have interactions with daily.  These are the people we do life with.  And guess what?  GOD put them there!  And he put YOU there!  It’s a divine match and you have the responsibility and privilege to share the God you know and lead them to know him too.

As parents, we have a weighty responsibility with our children.  We are responsible for caring for their physical needs—making sure they have a home to live in, food to fill their tummies, clothes to wear, protecting them from harm and teaching them so many life skills they need to survive the world.  Meeting their physical needs can be SO demanding…and leaves us so busy and tired at the end of the day.  But far more important than their physical health and well-being is the responsibility of nurturing their soul.  Children—like all of us—were made for a relationship with their Creator.  And as parents, the Bible teaches us it’s our primary job to lead them to know God. 

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”  -Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Feeling overwhelmed yet?  Thankfully, we aren’t left on our own to carry this out.  God has equipped you, through the power of his Holy Spirit, for this good work.  Not (just) your church.  Not (just) your pastor.  Not (just) your Children’s Ministry.  Not (just) your friends and family.  But you.  You have the responsibility, privilege, and JOY of leading your children to know and follow Christ. 

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” -2 Timothy 3:16-17

And it is such a good work…perhaps the greatest work of our Christian life.  I have counseled with so many families who desire to lead their families well—but honestly have no idea where to start.  Some didn’t grow up in a home where their parents modeled discipleship.  Some are new believers and feel intimidated at the thought of teaching their children the Bible.  Some have been led to believe it is the responsibility of the church to teach children the Gospel.  Some are faithfully leading their children at home but need encouragement because it isn’t an easy task.  Regardless of where you fit, if you desire to lead your children to know and follow the Lord, you’re in the right place.

Journeying Together

Tell Me the Story of Jesus exists to equip parents with resources, training, and encouragement in the journey of leading their children to know and follow Jesus for the ultimate goal of seeing all children come to faith in Christ and live for the glory of God. 

So, are you ready to take this journey together?  Are you ready to actively pursue this God-given call on your life and prioritize discipleship in your home?  Are you ready to take the small steps of obedience that God will bless and multiply?  God will change you.  God will change your family.  God will save your children.  Are you ready?

Let’s do it.  Together.  For our children.  For the glory of God.

Closing thoughts:

  • Are you a disciple of Jesus?  Are you spending time in the Word each day learning more about the God who created you and has a plan for your life?  What little step will you take today to follow Jesus?
  • How are you leading your family/child to know Jesus?  There’s not a right or wrong answer here.  You have to know where you are before you can move forward!  If married, discuss this with your spouse.  Spend some time in prayer this week asking God to give you guidance with leading your children to know him.

Parent-Led Discipleship Part 2:  An Ominous Warning
Parent-Led Discipleship Part 3:  Intentional Moments of Discipleship

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