Blog Post 7 -Hymnology

Hymnology for Kids

Memories of church from my childhood are filled with music.  I can still see Mr. David McCranie (he ALWAYS a stick of gum and green peppermint for me!) walking to the front, opening the hymnal and saying ‘Turn to page 435 (we sang that one a lot) while Mrs. Sherri got ready to play.  Families would take a hymnal from the back of the pew, turn to the page as the piano began.  And in a chorus of mixed voices, we would sing.  (Typically verses 1, 2, and 4…verse 3 just never seemed to make the cut!) 

It wasn’t fancy.  We didn’t have a band in our small country church.  I’m sure all of us weren’t in tune or in unison.  But it was worship.  And it was beautiful and pleasing to the Lord.

What I didn’t realize as a child is that those Sunday moments of worship were building a rich theology in my heart.  Some of the songs we sang were easily understood and my siblings and I belted those out with great confidence and enthusiasm:  ‘Stand up, Stand up for Jesus!  Jesus loves the little children!  Count your blessings, name them one by one!”  But there were others…well, I could only guess what they meant.

Even though I didn’t understand many of the words I was singing, I was learning—and it was a life-long learning beginning.  I still sing those hymns today.  They come to mind effortlessly at just the right times (what is stored can be recalled by the Spirit!).  Those Sunday morning moments of my childhood bring comfort, peace, and TRUTH to my life today—several decades later.  And guess what?  It just so happens that several decades of school leads to understanding and appreciation for the Biblical truths that are hidden in the stanzas of these old hymns.  When I sing the hymns today, I’m not learning the tune and words—I’m thinking about the words.   I’m meditating on what they say about God, about me, and about God’s plan for salvation.  Those old hymns now resonate in my soul and heart…and give me a way to pour out my heart to God when I have no words or allow Him to remind me on the truth of His word when life is hard. 

THIS is one of my greatest childhood treasures.  And I thank God for this gift.  He has kept and stored these songs in my heart.

The mind of a child is a beautiful and impressionable canvas.  It’s no secret to us that children are able to memorize quickly and absorb knowledge like a sponge.  Kids are eager to take in the world around them—and they engage the world with their senses.  Music is one of those!  And it is one of the easiest ways to instill God’s word in your child’s heart forever because it’s fun.   

Many of these old hymns I grew up singing are not a regular part of worship anymore—and that’s ok because we have some great contemporary songs as well!  But hymns are a rich and valuable part of our heritage of faith and a gift we can give our children in our regular discipleship at home.  Can you think of a better gift to give your child?  A gift that lasts a lifetime?  If you teach your children God’s Word, it will always be a part of them.  

Below you will find a FREE resource for your family to use during your discipleship time!  This is a 4-week devotion guide to ‘Tell Me the Story of Jesus’ (this song was my title inspiration!).   It’s designed to be used as a small part of your family devotional time.  Take a few minutes each week to discuss the Biblical references in the songs verses, complete the activity worksheets provided, and teach your children the song!  Don’t be intimidated—not all of us know the songs OR can sing, so use YOUTUBE!  Find a version you LOVE (I’ve included mine below)!  Play it in your home, in the car, or at night while they go to sleep.  Save the worksheet to create your own family hymnal to treasure for years to come.

Nehemiah Horst –

CLICK BELOW for your FREE Hymn Guide of Tell Me the Story of Jesus.

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