Christ-Centered Easter Resources:

As Easter nears, stores will be flooded with Spring decor, Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets, candy, and many other things that pull our attention away from the true meaning of our celebration.  The resources below will be a great help to you in keeping your family focused on the Jesus and the beautiful redemptive story of the Gospel–a king born to die to save sinners from their sin.  

Some links are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you purchase through them on my site at no cost to you. 

Mission Accomplished is a family devotional that begins on Palm Sunday and ends the Saturday after Easter Sunday.  It gives a day by day account of the last 2 weeks of Jesus’ life on earth.  For each day, there is a short devotion, a few discussion questions, prayer prompts, and an optional song or (SIMPLE) family activity that will reinforce your teaching time.  I love the simplicity and Gospel-centeredness of this resource and know you will too!

Resurrection Eggs are a yearly tradition for our family and a good tool to have in your home.  Each egg has a small token that relates to the Easter story.  This gives kids something tangible to hold as you read through the Easter story and an easy way to remember the highlights of the narrative.  It comes with a small guide with Scripture references and brief explanation of each token that can be adapted for ages 2/3 and up.  We’ve hidden these eggs, let the kids hunt them, and talked through all 12 in one sitting and have also started 12 days before Easter and opened one a day.  Overall, it’s a great way to remember and celebrate the last week of Jesus’ life with your children!

Seeds Family Worship has a CD and DVD of word-for-word Scripture songs that are Easter themed.  It’s a wonderful way to set God’s Word before your children as you prepare for Easter!  The Scriptures included in this particular CD are as follows:  Worthy is the Lamb (Revelation 5.12), The Life (John 14.6, 1 John 5.11-12), Hey Man (Romans 5.8, Romans 6.23),  Eternal Life (John 3.16),  Convinced (Romans 8.38-39), and New Creation (2 Corinthians 5.17).    Many of these you can play directly from their YouTube channel!  If you start now, playing these songs before bed and reviewing them throughout the day, you’ll be amazed how quickly your children learn these 8 verses!

This is a simple 6 week guide for Family Discipleship through the Gospel of Luke.  Luke’s Gospel is told chronologically and includes a detailed account of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection–making it perfect to read through in the weeks leading up to Easter.  Each week has a reading plan, verses to memorize, hymn recommendations (find your favorite version on Youtube and print lyrics for your family), and a place for your family to record prayer requests.  It is meant to be very simple and a great way to ease into gathering daily as a family to read God’s Word together. 


If you’re looking for music to sing along with during your Family Discipleship time, take a look at this Spotify playlist!  The music coincides with the Journey to the Cross guide above and is sure to set your mind on the great truths of the resurrected Savior we celebrate!

Easter StoryBooks

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