The History and Origins of St. Patrick’s Day How much do you really know about the history and origins of Saint Patrick’s Day?  I’ll give you a hint:  it wasn’t about leprechauns, gold, shenanigans, and all things green. Did you know he wasn’t Irish but was actually born in Britain? Did you know he was […]

Family Discipleship Challenge

Journey to the Cross Family Discipleship Challenge As Easter nears, I want to invite you to take an intentional step in Family Discipleship by committing to spend time opening God’s Word together with your family every day in a Family Discipleship Challenge.  This is meant to be a very simple time of Bible Reading, Scripture […]


Teachable Moments in Creation Part 1 Night has come, snow is falling (again), and in a matter of hours my children will wake with wonder in their eyes and endless pleas to get outside.  They love the world that God has made.  And tomorrow, I will bundle them up and head outside because I love […]

Intentional Moments of Discipleship

The task of discipleship is first a personal journey with God that then overflows into every aspect of life.  As followers of Christ, it is our first responsibility to be growing in our relationship and knowledge of God by devoting ourselves to the study of His Word and prayer.  Paul calls Christians to discipline themselves […]

5 Reasons EVERY Home Should Have a Story Bible

1.  Story Bibles tell the story of Jesus in the language of a child. Children learn best when as many of their senses as possible are fully engaged in the learning process.  Educators prioritize experiential learning because it works!  A good story Bible brings the Word of God to life for a child.  It speaks […]

An Ominous Warning

As their fathers taught them… Jeremiah 8.18 – 9.1-26 Jeremiah had a hard job.  God had called him and appointed him as a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah.  Jeremiah had fears—of being too young and not knowing what to say.  God promised to be with him and give him the words to say.  […]

Discipleship in Your Home

What is discipleship? Let’s talk discipleship.  It’s a big word thrown around in Christian circles—but what is it and what does it mean?  Discipleship comes from the word disciple which refers to someone—a student/learner–who follows the teachings of another.  Jesus had 12 disciples during His ministry on earth.  These 12 men were with Jesus every […]