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About the Blog

Welcome to Tell Me the Story of Jesus, a place where I passionately share resources, recommendations, and encouragement to equip parents to lead their children to know and follow Jesus.  There is no greater responsibility, privilege, or joy in life than teaching our children of the God who created them and who sent His only Son to save their life.

Since you’re here right now, I know you have a desire to disciple your kids. 

But maybe you…

  • Never had this modeled for you as a child and you have no idea where to start.
  • Need help finding age-appropriate resources as you lead your children through different life stages.
  • Feel overwhelmed by the responsibility and fear teaching something wrong.
  • Don’t feel you know enough about God and the Bible to teach anyone else—much less your children.

No matter where you are in the journey of discipleship with your kids, you know you desire to be even more faithful.

You want to teach them the things of God and to hear His voice.

You want them to know their purpose and worth is found in a relationship with their Creator.

You long to teach them God’s truth.

But you just don’t know how to make that a reality in your home.

Around here, you’ll find these core Biblical beliefs about children and discipleship.

  • God designed parents to be the primary disciple-maker of the child(ren) in their home.
  • Children are created in the image of God and are sinners in need of a Savior.
  • Children are capable of knowing God and receiving salvation.

It’s your responsibility to disciple your children.

And I’m here to help you in the journey.  It is my prayer the things you find here encourage you to confidently speak the things of God to your children and faithfully disciple them in your home.

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