Journey to the Cross Family Discipleship Challenge
As Easter nears, I want to invite you to take an intentional step in Family Discipleship by committing to spend time opening God’s Word together with your family every day in a Family Discipleship Challenge. This is meant to be a very simple time of Bible Reading, Scripture Memory, Song, and Prayer at a time of your choosing with every person living in your home.
6 Week Challenge: March 1st – April 10th
During the 6 week challenge, we will read through the Gospel of Luke and recount Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection. During this challenge, you will receive a daily Bible Reading Plan, weekly verses to memorize, hymns/songs, and other encouragement for your discipleship time.
Our readings will coincide with an Easter Family Devotional written by Scott James called Mission Accomplished during the final 2 weeks of the challenge. This is a new resource for our family this year and I am very excited to incorporate it into our Family Discipleship time. You are not required to purchase this resource in order to participate in our challenge, but I highly recommend it to you. This devotional begins on Palm Sunday and ends the Saturday after Easter Sunday, giving a day by day account of the last 2 weeks of Jesus’ life on earth. For each day, there is a short devotion, a few discussion questions, prayer prompts, and an optional song or (SIMPLE) family activity that will reinforce your teaching time. I love the simplicity and Gospel-centeredness of this resource and know you will too!
This is a simple 6 week guide for Family Discipleship through the Gospel of Luke. Luke’s Gospel is told chronologically and includes a detailed account of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection–making it perfect to read through in the weeks leading up to Easter. Each week has a reading plan, verses to memorize, hymn recommendations (find your favorite version on Youtube and print lyrics for your family), and a place for your family to record prayer requests. It is meant to be very simple and a great way to ease into gathering daily as a family to read God’s Word together.
2 Week Challenge: March 28th – April 10th
During the 2 week challenge, you will begin on Passover Sunday and read about Jesus’ last two weeks on earth. You may purchase the devotional mentioned above (Mission Accomplished) OR simply choose to complete the readings you will be emailed.
ANYONE can participate in our Family Discipleship challenge! Traditional or single-parent families with younger or older children, empty nesters, grandparents, newly-weds, singles–ANYONE! The only requirement of the challenge is that every family member in the home be present during the time set aside for Family Discipleship. If mom or dad work late, FaceTime them in if possible. Before you begin, make sure to take time to plan the best time for your family to meet together.
At the end of our Family Discipleship Challenge, I have a wonderful family devotional called Long Story Short (78 weeks with 5 devotionals each week through the Old Testament) to give away to ONE family who completes the 6 week challenge and a beautiful storybook called The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross for ONE family who completes the 2 week challenge.
Once the challenge is completed on April 10th, you will receive an email with a form to let me know you finished the challenge you chose and give a quick summary of your Family Discipleship time. This will officially enter you in our Family Discipleship Giveaway! The drawing will take place and be announced on April 18th!
1. Click this link to fill out your entry form.
2. If Family Discipleship is completely new to you and you’re overwhelmed with getting started, enter your email below to receive my FREE Family Discipleship Guide. It will give some Biblical considerations for Family Discipleship and practical/logistical help as you begin.
3. WATCH your email for the Bible Reading plan for your first week.
4. OPTIONAL: Purchase Mission Accomplished before March 28th if you plan to use this resource for the last two weeks of the challenge.
5. Keep track of your progress.
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