Blog Post 4 - 5 Reasons Every Home Should have a Story Bible

5 Reasons EVERY Home Should Have a Story Bible

1.  Story Bibles tell the story of Jesus in the language of a child.

Children learn best when as many of their senses as possible are fully engaged in the learning process.  Educators prioritize experiential learning because it works!  A good story Bible brings the Word of God to life for a child.  It speaks with age-appropriate language AND beautiful pictures to engage their sight and imaginations.  They are able to see the stories as you read to them which engages their eyes and ears—creating a more memorable and lasting impression on their mind. 

2.  Story Bibles tell the story of Jesus chronologically.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking!  So does the Bible (for the most part!).  However, you wouldn’t sit down with your 3-year-old and read from Genesis to Revelation.  A good story Bible takes a handful of the most important stories throughout Scripture and helps your child see the connections throughout.  It helps them understand God had a plan for salvation from the very beginning.   With many children’s curriculums, the stories are topical and scattered throughout the Testaments—making it difficult to see the Bible as one whole redemptive story.  A story Bible helps them learn the timeline of Scripture and how each story builds on the next as God unfolds a beautiful rescue plan for His people.

3.  Story Bibles build a foundation of God’s Word.

A good contractor knows you don’t put the roof of a house on first.  You have to build a foundation!  Think of story Bibles in this context.  A story Bible does not contain the full text of Scripture (and it is NO SUBSTITUTE).  The authors have carefully selected texts that are foundational to the story line of Scripture and that are age-appropriate for children.  It is meant to lay a foundation of basic knowledge of God’s Word.  The full truths of these stories aren’t often expressed.  And there isn’t a story Bible that contains the entire text.  This is where it is important to remember that a story Bible is a merely a tool meant to help teach the Word of God—it alone is not enough.  But for children, or even adults who are new believers, it is a very effective way to learn the basic storyline of Scripture which will continue to be built upon with growth and maturity.

4.  Story Bibles engage story-telling as a means of passing down our faith.

When God gave the Israelites the command to teach their children of their faith heritage in Deuteronomy, there weren’t any story Bibles!  Parents had the task of sharing the stories of their heritage, journey, and deliverance verbally with their children.  I’m sure they found creative ways to do this through the years.  Can’t you picture them around the fire at night telling their children how God parted the sea?  How He fed them with manna from heaven in the wilderness?  How He fulfilled promise after promise in spite of their failures?  These are OUR stories to tell, too!  We are many generations removed but we have the same command and story to tell.  I am so thankful for the many men and women God gifted to write and illustrate beautiful story Bibles for us to share with our children.  They are a gift and make it very easy to share God’s story of redemption with our children.   

5.  Story Bibles will help YOU grow in your knowledge of God’s Word.

I grew up in a Bible teaching church.  I knew the Scriptures well.  But it wasn’t until my freshman year of college after taking Introduction to Old Testament that I began to understand the connections between the Old and New Testaments.  For the first time, they linked in my mind—I saw Jesus in both and God’s beautiful plan of salvation faithfully carried out as He planned from the beginning.  It was a beautiful revelation that has continued to grow in richness even today.  I challenge you to pick up a good story Bible and read it cover to cover and watch what the Lord reveals to you.  I promise you will see His word in a new light. 

Of course, just having the story Bible in your home isn’t the goal—being faithful to read it to your children is!  Browse the links below to find the perfect story Bible for your child and get started with a family devotional time today.

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